Vertiq 8108: Thrust Data

Vertiq is excited to share our most recent Vertiq 8108 150KV thrust data. After testing multiple propeller sizes, we were able to characterize the efficiency of our motors, controllers and overall propulsion systems as best-in-class. Vertiq will publish all of its data on the website, but in this post, we will walk you through a graph that is generated for each module-propeller-voltage combination. This graph contains a lot of information, so in order to read the graph, it is important to understand each input, reference the following master line key when looking at the graphs:

Input Current (Blue): Measures how much current the motor is drawing from the power supply (measured from the supply using the data acquisition system or DAQ) at a particular speed.

Input Power (Red): Measures how much power the motor is drawing, calculated as input current * input voltage (input voltage isn't displayed on this graph but it will be published with the current and power data) at a particular speed.

Thrust (Yellow): Measures how many newtons of thrust are generated as the motor spins the propeller at a particular speed.

Motor-Controller Efficiency (Green): Calculated as output power/input power where output power is motor torque*speed and input power (red curve) is input voltage*input current. Please note that this metric is different from “Propulsion Efficiency,” which will be described later.

These variables on the Y-axis are all dependent on Speed (RPM), which is shown on the X-axis. In the graph below, we measured speed and the thrust, motor-controller efficiency, input power, and input current for the T-Motor G27x8.8R, 24V (6S) associated with those speeds:

So, if you were interested at the motor’s performance at 2500 RPM, you’d find the following:

  • Input current: 14.1 A

  • Input power: 327 W

  • Thrust: 33.3 N (3393 g)

  • Efficiency: 87.4%

You can also get additional information from these numbers, such as propulsion efficiency, which is typically measured in grams per watt. At 2500 RPM, the propeller generates 3393 g of thrust, which requires 327 W of input power, thus resulting in a propulsion efficiency of 10.4 g/W.

After running tests for various propellers at different voltages on the Vertiq 8108 150KV and comparing our results to competitor data, we have once again confirmed a significant increase in motor-controller and propulsion efficiency. At lower operating speeds, Vertiq has up to 40% greater propulsion efficiency and across all speeds, Vertiq maintains at least a 5% advantage. This high efficiency allows Vertiq users to increase their flight time and keep their motors cool during operation.


Vertiq Communication Protocol: UAVCANv0


History Series: The Queen Bee